We’ve been tooling around with the Moralis ethereum boilerplate and also completed a Web3 Twitter full-stack blockchain app. Moralis’ Youtube channel, has many a great video, and this one runs through the whole process from compiling and deploying the contract on remix, and coding the React front end UI. Pretty cool to see the power of Moralis in terms of connecting and storing all the blockchain events, transaction / history and so on for the addresses that connect (like a web3 firebase), and ipfs urls. Definitely learning a lot and excited to do some more of the tutorials including the Unity games…
Thanks to the Moralis team for the nice NFT after submitting the repo and wallet address in their Discord, which has some super helpful members that helped me get it deployed. Feels good to have depolyed a contract to Mumbai, I know I have a lot to learn, but am looking forward to developing some useful projects or services and games or entertainment over the EVM compatible chains and beyond.