Hey Hitch-hikers! So, coupled with a nice increase in search engine and word of mouth traffic, mainly to our Drop Calendar, we’ve been getting an increasing interest in advertising and publishing articles here at non-fungi.com. I guess I need to think about opening up WordPress to the blogger world? or installing Buddypress or something. So that we can perhaps make this more an interactive and community site, where all you cool NFT geeks can wow each other with your latest…
Might have to upgrade hosting first though, but for now, after some requests on site stats, I just wanted to point out that today, Sept 16th 2021, I installed a post count plugin (Digital Factory Post Views Counter) to give everyone some stats on how the events on the calendar and blog posts might be doing! So keep checking in and don’t forget to share your events using the social share buttons on each page!! That’s it! That’s the post, I’ll maybe edit in some hyper links…