
thirdweb Signature Based Minting

Thirdweb Signature Based Minting
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Burst into heaven, or burst into web3! We’ve toyed with a couple of web3 projects from Moralis (web3 twitter and web3 Angry Birds Unity game), we’ve also run the local version of Nader Dabit NFT marketplace, that used hardhat and infura, and now just recently stumbled across thirdweb youtube channel, that has a few videos introducing their web3 Dashboard. thirdweb lets the user connect a web3 wallet that opens up a builders dashboard, from here you can then either deploy pre-made solidity contracts scripts or also custom solidity contracts, to testnets or main chains, deploy NFT collections, staking, signature based minting and more.

What is Signature-Based Minting?
thirdweb web3 apps signature based minting video
Vercel import git project

What struck me as super simple when following this Signature-Based NFT Minting, short 10 min video that introduces two different contract deployments using thirdwebs stuff, was, after deploying the NFT collection importing the git to Vercel (which is a sweet deal), adding in your env variables to Vercel, and boom! you are up and running with a erc721 collection! You can check your contract on Polygonscan and now even get to mint stuff that gets pinned to IPFS and display it!

thirdweb dashboard OpenSea testnet NFT collection and Dapp

You can create a few test accounts in Metamask and get test matic from a faucet. Sure, next you can clone locally and run things locally when needed, but so far as going straight to deployment and customizing later seems an awesome way forward. Everything is there, the Next js, cdn, git, web3 is never been easier in my book. Sure I’ve minted NFTs to OpenSea and mintable, and locally, Thirdweb was the first where I’ve deployed the script and minted to testnet Mumbai and is picked up in OpenSea testnet collection! So, yeah I’m chuffed, and look forward to getting more a grips on using this to deploy or mint some stuff related to non-fungi, could include staking, posting drops, doing 1 of 1 mintings and so on! Maybe going forward to some kind of Alpha or listing membership perks, maybe even publish the next newsletter as a NFT! Why not right, take a page from Art101 Zine, it’d be cool to mint interactive PDFs that read like an old classic Zine, comic kind of deal, flip the pages, yeah, sounds awesome to me.

It’s Deployed Live Now What? thirdweb project

Welp we pointed a domain to it D3PP.XYZ and have been messing with it some, adding in links to the testnet OpenSea collection and to one of the minted images linked to it’s IPFS url. The git image points to the clone repo. If you feel like minting something to the Mumbai testnet SAUCE collection go ahead, just requires a little test matic! Now it’s time to deploy a bunch more, work on making a collection, figure out implementations for our users, work on spreading the word, building views and quality articles, work on making a web3 version of non-fungi drops calendar that can be like self-managed and that kind of thing, work on deploying across some other blockchains w lower gas fees or other incentives for some fun stuff, gaming, music, publishing, art, stories, poems etc. Can’t wait to get into this more, am interested in doing some artwork or derivative artwork from some NFTs in the collections that have the IP and CCO permission rights.

Will non-fungi have a real mint?

I think first in place needs to be the security and safety of contracts and wallets etc. The more opportunities to learn and earn and keep doing what we love with the mix of coding, graphics, web, marketing skills that we’ve been working on. Sure I think it’s possible. I’ve brainstorm the idea with a couple of folks. If a mint was connected with a DAO, the DAO would basically be a say in how the site goes forward and take input from the developer / founder community to take it into the Decentralized and web3 realm where it would be a useful event calendar, analytics, blogging, art and educational site. Bring together the web2 and web3 worlds from around the globe, where cutting edge news, drops, art and tech can have an outlet and also old school, beginners, noobs, novices or simple tech can be used to interact and benefit from.

Handy web app

thirdweb has what looks like some sweet features for building handy web apps, we’ll be diving in to some more testing. Appreciate it all and let’s get buidling!

New Crypto Charts

New Top 100 Crypto Coin Charts
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We’ve added some new Crypto Charts, includes 24hr and 7 day moves, see this Crypto Coin top 100 list. For those times when you’re not logged in to your exchange or whatever, from the comfort of, you can keep up to date. We’ll be customizing the tools page with more analytics and charts, and looking to always add in more NFT and crypto related news and Alpha. This is using the Cool Widgets Cryptocurrency PRO plugins that pull data from various APIs including CoinGecko and Tradingview.

Yo Yo GM

yoyoyo waddup gm!

We’ve picked up a first NFT on the Tezos blockchain, using a Temple Tezos wallet Firefox extension. Once you send fund in some xtz from your exchange of choice, in our case using the Kraken exchange, and then send to our new Temple address. Now you’re all set to be able to connect and checkout NFTs on the various marketplaces, wherever the artist has their work listed. is where this Stellabelle piece is.

RR/BAYC: The Narcissist

Also was in interesting process setting up the Tezos profile, adding an image, linking to a twitter account and adding some profile information, if you choose to do so…We added a pic and some links back to non-fungi for the heck of it, because why not. That’s all I know.

Sweet Apocalypse

An Apocalypse where you are able to enjoy your life

Supply: 8888

Mint Price: 2 SOL ( WL 1.5 SOL / OG 1 SOL)

Mint Date: 5. Presale 6. Public Sale of August

Sweet Apocalypse featured NFT drop page

Imagine games in general, where every move we make allows you to you to make money. The big companies in the games industry have not yet been caught up in the storm of change. It is time for small companies or start-ups to take a step into this new future. Sweet Apocalypse could be one of those actors. Sweet Apocalypse collection has its own company. Sugargames Ltd. is a Berlin-based company and fits perfectly into the broader start-up scene and games industry which is alive here locally.

Our vision is to create a unique survival game where players own their harvested and looted goods. Instead of looting other players to gather valuable resources, players will cooperate or fight against each other in arena-like spaces in teams or as single players. Players can offer their skills or unique items for the benefit of the community while profiting from their unique possessions. To obtain goods, players can go on adventure missions where they can kill enemies, develop their skills and find goods. The game design will give players full control over the characters’ movements. Those who play well with the keyboard and mouse and know the items best will be rewarded with higher rewards.

A boring push-bottom building or fighting game is not part of our imagination. People who like Minecraft, The Last Days on Earth, The Last of Us or The Last Oasis, to name a few games, will most likely love our game design.

Why you may consider buy into our the Sweet Apocalypse collection?

Sweet Apocalypse NFTs have a few strengths that other projects cannot demonstrate!

  • As a company, we have the right to apply for funding in Berlin. The government invests heavily in the games industry, start-ups and new technology-oriented projects. In this context, we give two arguments to the buyers of our NFTs:
  1. We are a publicly known actor whose founder identities are accessible and as a company we are bound by laws. This means that any further transaction we undertake must be in line with the “Objectives” of Sugargams Ltd’s Articles of Association. The probability of a fraud attack on buyers is close to 0.
  2. Even if the funds from the Sweet Apocalypse NFT Drop cannot fully cover the costs of developing the project. Sugargames Ltd. will apply for funding programmes from the Berlin government and loans from the bank. Our business plan definitely includes the government funding – it is free money to develop our venture..
  • Our game design will be unique in the NFT space with these goals. The uniqueness of Sweet Apocalypse will nevertheless prove itself in the long run.
  • A P2E game design with a unique and cute approach is something special even for the survival game genre. Only survival games for kids make horror digestible, we will make it mainstream: An apocalyptic life doesn’t have to be scary, it can even hold a lot of social connections and fun.
  • We have a lot of utility: Staking, some NFTs with special keys like traits, play to earn as a perspective & good quality drawings.

Let us see how our journey will start. I am looking forward to see you on our twitter or in our discord!




Kind regards,

Florian Weise ( CEO of Sugargames Ltd.)

Optimism Token Airdrop Claim

Optimism Layer2 Blockchain Token Air Drop

If you’ve been keeping up with the latest crypto airdrops, either through some youtubers, news, or however you make yourself aware of the latest airdrops happening, you’ll have seen about the recent and unfolding Optimism token airdrop claim currently happening. There were apparently some technical hitches and a bit of a dumping of the tokens after the inital claim, but has already since bounced some, and could be a serious cool ‘stimmy’ drop for anyone that’s been able to claim the tokens for just some small gas fees. Wether or not they chose to hodl and when to sell or flip is up to them.

How to claim this airdrop?

It’s pretty much a three step process, with a transaction on eth and then a couple over on the Optimism mainnet. Initially you’ll pay a small transaction fee to send or bridge some ETH to the Optimism mainnet, then you’ll switch mainnet to complete the claim and delegate if you opted to delegate your governance.

  • Connect your main wallet to check eligibility
  • Bridge some ETH to Optimism
  • Switch to Optimism mainnet, claim and delegate

Boom! Nothing to it but to do it!

Cool to see the Optimism app ecosystem, we’ll be looking more into how we can gel with the benefits Optimism offers for this lightning fast and lower gas fee Layer2. The layout, presentation and mission seems refreshing and inviting as well as cuts through straight to the point with governance models, values where for instance Impact = Profit. The governance and website is really cool scrolling down the page, introduces new images into the picture.

How to Track Optimism?

A good site to keep track of this and other crypto tokens is Currently it looks like the initial drop was somewhere around $4 that went down to $1 and is up again at the current time of typing, at around $1.60.

Now what? Optimism Explorer

Good question. Well, explore the ecosystem, NFTs, swaps and so on. If you still have some eth on optimism left over, then you could head over to somewhere like Uniswap and switch to Optimism, then you could swap to some more OP or any other tokens you see there available in your wallet. Here’s what a transaction will look like while swapping some ETH to OP on Uniswap, which we just did to round our hodling up to a nice even 420

Bridging ETH to OP on Uniswap on OP mainnet

What if You’re a Developer?

Well first off, good for you, If you’re a developer or want to be getting into web3 development on Optimism, you could put together a list of possible dapps ideas you might want to code or learn, and could look out for some tutorials or haxxath0ns that will guide you. Make a list of the basic flow of ideas and narrow it down into bite size blocks:

  • Make a tidy list
  • Install VSCode or similar and Nodejs
  • Look for dapp tutorial with a github repo
  • Use some swaps, who knows what is the next airdrop
  • Trade OP NFTs or launch a NFT on Optimism
  • Deploy a contract
  • Develop tools for other developers
  • Blog about your bridging, airdrop or dapp builds

Non-Fungi is a NFT hitch-hikers guide with links, blogs, tools for the NFT drop calendar portal, linking far and wide to many NFT projects and having listed close to 2k drops since launch March 2021